Help wanted: how to get gopher-searched data back?

Reinhard Doelz doelz at comp.bioz.unibas.ch
Thu Jun 25 07:59:12 EST 1992

In article <9206251131.AA27876 at gserv1>, XUP at UK.AC.AFRC.JII (Pin Xu) writes:
|> I recently used gopher to search GenBank database and find it is a very
|> effcient way to find things. But the problem is I do not know how to get
|> these data back. Is there any way other than Kermit on PC and script on Unix
|> to get search result back?

GOPHER searches for strings in a full-text way. GOPHER does NOT search 
sequence data (yet). If you happen to be on my server, 

                    Internet Gopher Information Client v0.7

                              EMBL CD-ROM release

   -->    1.  Simultaneous search in all XXEMBL XEMBL EMBL sections  <?>
          2.  search for a key word in FUN section                   <?>
          3.  search for a key word in INV section                   <?>
          4.  search for a key word in MAM section                   <?>
          10. search for a key word in ROD section                   <?>
          11. search for a key word in SYN section                   <?>
          12. search for a key word in UNA section                   <?>

then you get asked at the bottom of the screen as 
Index word(s) to search for: 
If you type a name there, e.g., xu, the screen will look like 

           Simultaneous search in all XXEMBL XEMBL EMBL sections : xu

   -->    1.  X59720; S.cerevisiae chromosome III complete DNA sequence.
          2.  M87549; Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast homolog of recA (Dmc1) g.
          3.  M37743; S.cerevisiae histone HTB1 mRNA, 3' end..
          4.  M74293; Schizosaccharomyces pombe byr2 gene, complete cds..
          5.  M80547; Ustilago maydis URBS1 protein (urbS1) gene, complete cd.
          6.  M16153; D.melanogaster Notch locus gene, exon 1..
          7.  M16149; D.melanogaster Notch locus gene, exon 2..

Selecting entry 3 gives you 
ID   SCHTB1A    standard; RNA; FUN; 370 BP.
AC   M37743;
DT   28-SEP-1990 (Rel. 25, Created)
DT   28-SEP-1990 (Rel. 25, Last updated, Version 1)
DE   S.cerevisiae histone HTB1 mRNA, 3' end.
KW   histone HTB1.
OS   Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast)
OC   Eukaryota; Plantae; Thallobionta; Eumycota; Hemiascomycetes;
OC   Endomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae.
RN   [1]
RP   1-370
RA   Xu H., Johnson L., Grunstein M.;
RT   "Coding and noncoding sequences at the 3' end of yeast histone H2B
RT   mRNA confer cell cycle regulation";
RL   Mol. Cell. Biol. 10:2687-2694(1990).

and the 'MORE' at the bottom of the screen tells you to proceed with 
<SPACE>. If you type 'q', or  did review all data, the bottom line changes to 
Press <RETURN> to continue, <s> to save, or <p> to print:
There, typing 's' gives you 
Enter save file name: 
You enter a save file name there, and the data get saved on local disk.
If this isn't good for you, you need to find a gopher client 1.0 or later
which permits also to send the data per MAIL to you. 


|    Dr. Reinhard Doelz            | RFC     doelz at urz.unibas.ch         |
|      Biocomputing                | DECNET  20579::48130::doelz         |
|Biozentrum der Universitaet       | X25     022846211142036::doelz      |
|   Klingelbergstrasse 70          | FAX     x41 61 261- 6760 or 267- 2078     
|     CH 4056 Basel                | TEL     x41 61 267- 2076 or 2247    |   
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