Draft of text for Sources instructions.

Rob Harper harper at nic.funet.fi
Wed Jan 8 11:17:44 EST 1992

In <9201081325.AA28432 at genbank.bio.net> MACRIDES at WFEB2.BITNET (Foteos Macrides) writes:

*> This really was a tongue-in-check *8-)* light-hearted comment.
*> What I would like is a LIVE file, e.g., so that any messages to any of
*> the Usenet forums from HARPER would be forwarded to my email account.

Well this is not so far fetched as it may sound. It can actually be done
with WAIS. You could make up a QUESTION that would scan the BioSci.src
for authors that you want to follow, or particular topics that are of
interest to you, and on the MAC set the contact query on DAILY and you
would get a daily update of writings by a particular author, or messages
covering a particular subject.

I have noticed that many of my postings to bionet.software are being
syphoned off to comp.archives (which by the way is remarkable WAIS source)
and I expect that the moderator of comp.archives is using some high
class software since he seems to be scanning the "best" of Usenet, and
dumping it in the comp.archives.src

   Rob Harper                     /   E-mail:          harper at convex.csc.fi    
   Finnish State Computer Centre  /   Molbio/software: harper at nic.funet.fi
   P.O. Box 40, SF-02101 Espoo    /   Telephone:       +358 0 457 2076
   Finland                        /   Fax:             +358 0 457 2302

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