Draft of text for Sources instructions.

Una Smith unasmith at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Tue Jan 14 19:21:14 EST 1992

I wrote:

>>[stuff deleted]  I would be very surprised if more than 5% of all
>>[BIONET] readers have neither USENET nor INTERNET access.

MACRIDES at WFEB2.BITNET (Foteos Macrides) replied:

>        How many BIOSCI/BITNET folks are there with neither INTERNET nor
>USENET access -- through no fault of their own -- don't write them off.

For the sake of clarity, I'd like to note, and underscore, the fact that
the vast majority of so-called BIOSCI/BITNET users are in fact on the
INTERNET.  The recent posting of voters in bionet.general clearly shows
this.  Admittedly, most old-time BITNET sites don't offer USENET, whether 
or not they happen to be INTERNET sites as well.  Many strictly INTERNET
sites don't offer USENET either.  But almost everyone who has network
email also has FTP.  Distribution of compiled software by email is
neither desirable nor efficient.  I would hope that those few
unfortunate individuals who have email but not FTP will be able and
willing to use the Gene-Server, or find a friend with FTP who's willing
to help.

    - Una

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