New Release of GenBank Update/Alerting Software

smith at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu smith at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu
Fri Jan 24 17:13:19 EST 1992

Revised Version of the GenBank Update Software Available.

     We have revised the GenBank USENET update software for VAX/VMS, fixing
small bugs, adding support for GCG V7.0 and including new tools.  The new 
distribution is available now.

     The main change to this distribution is the addition of a VMS port of 
Rob Jones's GenBank ALERTING software.  This software takes the incoming 
GenBank sequence feed and searches it using user-defined keywords and
phrases.   Information about sequences which match the search patterns are
mailed to the user.  In this manner, a user will be automatically alerted
within 24 hours of potentially interesting sequences being added to GenBank.

     Features of the software in this distribution are:

Update Software

- Nightly automatic update of GenBank using the USENET sequence feed.
- Bank manager warnings if data feed errors are detected.
- Automatic weekly checking of the sequence delivery via the Index file
  released to USENET; the Bank Manager is warned if sequences are missing
- Stripping of sequences from UPDATE bank once they appear in the quarterly
  GenBank (tape) release.
- Integration with GCG versions 6 and 7, and PIR.


- Nightly search of incoming GenBank sequences for items of interest
- User defined search patterns maintained by individual users.
- User control of output on a pattern-by-pattern basis.
- Easy management for Bank Manager: just one file to maintain.
- Mailed 'alerts' to Internet/BITNET addresses, if desired. Subscribers to 
  this service need not be users on the GenBank/UPDATE VAX.


- Allows sequences to be 'fetched' by GCG users using the accession number
- Accession numbers from USENET update sequences are automatically added
  to the table that is searched by the Update software
- Intuitive user interface.

How to get the software:

     Send mail to "MAILSERV at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu" with the following lines in 
the body of the message:


The distribution will be mailed to you in four parts.  Concatenate the parts 
and execute the resulting file: the distribution is packaged as a VMS_SHARE 
archive which will automatically unpack itself.  Read the 'AAA_README.1ST' 
file and follow the instructions.

Questions/problems:  Send mail to  HILL at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu, or 
                                  SMITH at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu

This distribution was prepared with the efforts of John Hill, Frieda Pavel, 
Suzy Gottesman and Ross Smith.  Roy Smith at PHRI originated the UPDATE 
scheme, Rob Jones wrote the ALERTing software, John Hill wrote EZFETCH. 

|Ross Smith, Cell Biology,  NYU Medical Center,  550 First Ave.,  NYC, 10016|

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