IEEE Internatinal Biomedical Engineering Days (IBED '92)

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Thu Jan 23 17:48:24 EST 1992

                  I N T E R N A T I O N A L

      B I O M E D I C A L   E N G I N E E R I N G   D A Y S

     18-20 August 1992, Bogazici University, Istanbul,TURKEY

Subject : IEEE International Biomedical Engineering Days (IBED '92)

Dear Colleague,

During August 18-20, 1992, there will be a meeting held in Istanbul, titled

                        International Biomedical Engineering Days

cosponsored by IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS).

This meeting is designed as a series of workshops, under the chairpersonship of
internationally acknowledged experts of the fields as indicated below:

        Biomedical Engineering Education and Training
        ( Chair : Dov Jaron, Drexel University, USA)

        Biomedical Instrumentation, Monitoring and Imaging Systems
      (Chair : John G. Webster, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

                  Computerized Medical Information Systems
     (Chair : Joel Nobel : Emergency Care and Research Institute, USA)

                       Biomaterials and Biomechanics
       (Chair : Gerald F. Harris, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA)

                Quality Assurance Systems for Medical Devices
         (Chair : Troy Nagle, North Caroline State University, USA)

   Biomedical Applications of Parallel Processing and Artificial Neural Systems
(Chair : Evangelia M.-Tzanakou, The State University of New Jersey-Rutgers, USA)

The program of each day will start with  plenary papers of a tutorial nature by
the chairpersons of the workshops. In addition to these, there will be special
invited papers presented by

           Kenzo Akazawa (Kobe University, Japan)
          Uwe Faust (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
           Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya University, Japan)
         Kenkichi Fukurotani (Toyama University, Japan)
    Robert L. Morris (Oregon Health Sciences University, USA)
              Banu Onaral (Drexel University, USA)
           Necmi Tanyolac (Bogazii University, Turkey)

The deadline for submission of papers is March 31, 1992. A very attractive
early bird registration plan including accomodation is in progress.
Please contact

               Prof. Dr. Okyay KAYNAK
      Bogazici Universitesi, Fax No: 90-1-257 50 30
            e-mail : IBED at TRBOUN.BITNET

for further information.


Executive Chair:Prof. Dr. Okyay KAYNAK                      Tel  :90.1.1659909
Address: Bogazici University,                               Fax  :90.1.1575030
         80815 Bebek                                        Telex:2641 BOUN TR

         Istanbul-TURKEY                         E-Mail:Kaynak at Trboun.bitnet

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