*Gel Analysis

Dan Jacobson DANJ at JHUHYG.bitnet
Wed Jan 29 10:47:08 EST 1992

A request was made for software which could analyze the images of gels.  NIH
image is a package for image processing and analysis and may be what your looki
ng for.  What follows is the readme file for NIH IMAGE.

Best of Luck,

Dan Jacobson

danj at jhuhyg.sph.jhu.edu


NIH Image
NIH Image is a public domain program for the Macintosh for doing digital
image processing and analysis. It can acquire, display, edit, enhance, analyze,
print, and animate grayscale and color images.  It reads and writes TIFF, PICT,
and MacPaint files, and features multiple windows, MacPaint-like editing and 8
levels of magnification. It supports Data Translation and Scion frame grabber
cards.It requires at least 2MB and 8-bit video. The following files contain NIH
Image, documentation, source code, and example images.

   image1xx.hqx         NIH Image 1.xx application
   image1xx_manual.hqx  Documentation in Word 4.0 format
   image1xx_source.hqx  Think Pascal 3.0 source
   v1.xxNonFPU.hqx      Version that does not require a floating-point chip
   image_stack.hqx      HyperCard help stack
   images               Example images in TIFF and PICT format(directory)

File Format
Files with the .hqx extension have been compressed and encoded into
BinHex format using the Mac utility Stuffit 1.5.1. To use these files
you must transfer them to a Mac and then decode and uncompress them
using Stuffit. Stuffit is a shareware program widely available from Mac
bulletin board systems and user groups.

This is a beta version of ColorImage, which is NIH Image extended to
acquire and segment color images from RGB sources.

Giffer is a shareware program useful for converting from GIF to Pict
format, and vis-versa.

ImageFFT is an extension to NIH Image to support frequency domain (power
spectrum) display and editing. It can do a 512x512 FFT in 18 seconds on a Mac

ImageFractal is a version of Image modified to compute the Fractal Index
of objects by the Richardson Plot or the Tile-amalgamation methods.

Image/MG is an extension of Image supporting quantitative evaluation
of cerebral blood flow, glucose metabolism, and protein synthesis.

The is a beta version of Imagine, an advanced image processing program for the
Mac II built on an extensive image processing library with routines from basic
operations like convolutions, histogram equalization, and convolution to more
advanced guard processes like 3D morphology; Imagine even supports complex
(real and imaginary pairs) images, FFTs, and computed tomography.

NCSA PalEdit
NCSA PalEdit is a public domain program from the National Center for
Supercomputing Applications for creating and customizing color palettes. With
PalEdit, you can modify the whole palette or individual entries in the palette,
to create a set of colors tailored to your needs. PalEdit can save palettes in
three formats that are compatible with NIH Image: PixelPaint, Canvas, and

A utility that allows programs, such as NIH Image, which normally require a
68881/68882 Floating Point Unit, to work without one.

RGBView converts 24-bit RGB images to 8-bit color.  It can process single
or multiple images.  It can do some animation of multiple images.  It reads
several different 24-bit image formats and can save palettes and 8-bit images
in several formats.  A programmer can install device drivers to provide
additional formats.

The Laboratory Toolbox is a Hypercard Stack which originated as a tool
for teaching laboratory computing. It implements an object oriented
"Laboratory Notebook" structure for the acquisition and management
of sensor based data within a laboratory environment.

Switch-A-Roo is a free Fkey that will allows you to rapidly switch between
any two monitor depths settings(e.g. 8-bit color and 24-bit color) by
pressing a few keys.

Projectionist is a utility that allows you to animate stacks created
by Image and saved in PICS format. Because all the frames in the
stack do not need to be loaded into RAM, Projectionist requires
less memory than image. This preliminary version uses the standard
system palette, so stacks created with Image may lose some of
their colors when animated with Projectionist.

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