USENET Distribution of GenBank: VMS Software update.

smith at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu smith at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu
Fri Apr 27 07:26:17 EST 1990

      We have updated our software for processing the USENET distribution of
GenBank sequences.  The new package fixes a number of bugs in the previous
release, particuarly in the elimination of duplicates delivered during  
the normal course of USENET distribution.

      Additionally, we provide the program to search for sequences
distributed by USENET which are now included in the main GenBank release.
This new program produces a revised UPDATE bank with the duplicates removed. 

      [It is worth mentioning that the USENET distribution of GenBank began 
just before 15th March, 1990, when the newest GenBank tape release, V63, was
being finallized.  Therefore, the programs will find and eliminate relatively
few sequences in this release; next time however...]

      The new package, called NIGHTLY.1, can be retrieved via ANONYMOUS FTP
from mcclb0.med.nyu.edu, or from our mailserver (send mail to
mailserv at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu with a single line in the body of the message:

      We are aware that many VMS sites do not have ANU-NEWS (or any news for
that matter).  However, it is possible to have a neighboring news site
provide a newsfeed via mail (SMTP or VMS) of the data required.  Right now we
do not have code to process a mail feed, although it would not be difficult
to write.  Please let us (Gottesman at NYUMed.bitnet, Smith at NYUMed.bitnet) know
if there would be an interest in this.  If so, we could help getting the
program written, although we would not be able to test it here. 

|Ross Smith, Cell Biology,  NYU Medical Center,  550 First Ave.,  NYC, 10016|
|Phone: (212) 340-5356: FAX: (212) 340-8139 (Alternate NYUMC) (212) 340-7190|

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