[Automated-sequencing] 3730xl Sequencer

Nobby Clark via autoseq%40net.bio.net (by Nobby from unitedhealthschools.com)
Wed Mar 16 17:28:01 EST 2011

 name is Nobby Clark, owner of Carmet Scientific.  I deal with pre-owned
 and surplus biotech and lab instrumentation.  I am interested in 
purchasing ABI 3730XL's or ABI 3130XL's.  If you have or
know of anyone who may have these units available, could you please 
refer them to me?  I am interested in hearing about any other potential 
lab or biotech equipment you have up for sale. Other items of particular
 interest include Confocal microscopes, mass spectrometers HPLC, and 
other analytical equipment. Thanks for your time.Kind regards,Nobby Clark
Carmet Scientific

(707) 824-5705 P
(707) 528-5811 F
(707) 494-0191 C

nobby from carmetscientific.com




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