[Automated-sequencing] Genotyper and Windows 2000

Miguel Angel González via autoseq%40net.bio.net (by mgonzalez from proyinves.ulpgc.es)
Wed Oct 28 11:19:14 EST 2009

Dear Lynn Petukhova,
I have just see your question about Genotyper software and Windows XP in a
web forum. Could you say me how could you run Genotyper in Windows Xp
system, please?
Thank in advance,
Miguel Angel
Dr. Miguel Angel González Pérez
Departamento de Biología
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Campus Universitario de Tafira
35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Canary Islands
Phone: (+34) 928 454 543
Fax:     (+34) 928 452 922

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