[Automated-sequencing] Re: Genotyper and Windows 2000

Martin MOKREJŠ via autoseq%40net.bio.net (by mmokrejs from ribosome.natur.cuni.cz)
Tue Nov 3 09:34:58 EST 2009

  you can try KernelEx extension from http://sourceforge.net/projects/kernelex/files/ .
That is an evil thing to help you run Win2000/WinXP apps on Win98 or WinME
and I believe you can go the opposite direction. Just install the application,
right-click over the Genotyper program icon, go into Properties and select the
operating system mode under which it should be executed.
  As I said, perfect way to run newer apps (like Firefox, some antivirus software)
on Win98/Me ... You have fast computer and all apps you need.

Phillip San Miguel wrote:
> Miguel Angel González wrote:
>> Dear Lynn Petukhova,
>> I have just see your question about Genotyper software and Windows XP
>> in a
>> web forum. Could you say me how could you run Genotyper in Windows Xp
>> system, please?
>> Thank in advance,
>> Miguel Angel
> Hi Miguel,
> I don't know whether Lynn Petukhova still follows this forum after her
> 2002 response to a post "Genotyper and Windows 2000". If no one here has
> run Genotyper under XP, maybe someone on the ABRF forum will have.
> Some things you might try: if you run on Vista, you can right-click and
> run an application as if it were running on an earlier version of the
> operating system. I doubt that will work, but might be worth a shot.
> Another possibility is to install a virtual machine running an earlier
> version of windows on your current machine. I have never done this, but
> it might be worth a shot. Finally, Applied Biosystems does have a free
> application "Peak Scanner", that might do at least part of what you
> wanted to do with Genotyper.
> Good Luck,

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