[Automated-sequencing] ALf express

Sabine Lautenschlaeger via autoseq%40net.bio.net (by s.lautenschlaeger from labor-brunner.de)
Tue Nov 11 09:11:00 EST 2008



I’m also sequencing PCR-Products using Alf Express.


I clean the PCR-Product from the old primers using the “PCR-kit” from GE. 

This product is used directly without any ss-ends.

Instead of cy5-dATP I have sequencing primers 5’labeled with cy5.

The sequencing primer are positioned like a “nested PCR-primer” a little bit
away from the end of the PCR product.

The sequencing reaction is carried out using the “Sequencing-Kit” from GE.

If you are interested in the protokoll, please let me know.


Saluti and ciao


Sabine Lautenschläger  

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