[Automated-sequencing] Re: ALFexpress repairs or parts

Duncan Clark via autoseq%40net.bio.net (by blackhole At abuse.plus.com)
Mon Jan 22 09:15:39 EST 2007

Historians believe that in newspost 
<mailman.820.1169234232.19683.autoseq At net.bio.net> on Fri, 19 Jan 2007, 
Allen Sylvester <asylvester At msa-stoneville.ars.usda.gov> penned the 
following literary masterpiece:
>We have an ALFexpress DNA sequencer made in 1996 that has stopped
>heating to 55 C and now stops at 34-40 C.  Pharmacia does not exist and
>this sequencer is no longer supported.
>Does anyone know of any business or person in the USA that repairs or
>supplies parts for the ALFexpress?

I have an ALF (not Express - i.e FAM only) that is awaiting scrapping 
here in the UK. Not sure if it uses the same heater. As you say GE 
Healthcare no longer support them and we couldn't persuade them last 
week to take it off our hands for spares.

I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing noise they make as
they go flying by.

Duncan Clark
GeneSys Ltd.

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