[Automated-sequencing] GC rich and CCT repeat regions

Javier Humberto Fajardo jfajardo at nmsu.edu
Mon Mar 13 12:07:50 EST 2006

Hello everybody,

My name is Javier Fajardo, a graduate student at New Mexico State 
University, and I have been assigned to work in a research related to 
the GC Buster- sequencing through GC rich and CCT repeat DNA Templates, 
which correspond to a License technology of Los Alamos National 
Laboratory. The study correspond to a Marker research for the License.

My background: BS in Agronomy, minor agribusiness. Actually I am 
pursuing a MA in Economics.  I manage basic concepts of genetics, and I 
really will appreciate if you could recommend me an online source of 
basic - intermediate information related to sequencing DNA in GC and 
CCT regions, so I can understand this methodology in a general sense.

Thank you for your time and consideration,


Javier Fajardo
Graduate Student

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