[Automated-sequencing] Re: Question regarding tray on deck error

Jeannine jkflagg at vbi.vt.edu
Wed Aug 9 12:22:26 EST 2006

Hi Phillip,
Thanks so much for the information.  I was curious if your technician
mentioned anything to you about mechanical problems, such as the one
we've encountered, being due to connection on a local network?  I don't
know about you, but in our lab the computer connected to the 3730 is
also connected a local network.  Someone I talked to this morning said
that occassionally something may be sent over the local network that
can confuse the 3730.  I don't know if this is a valid concern.  I was
just curious if you or your service technician has ever tried
disconnecting the computer from the network just while it is running?
Just thought I would check and see if anyone has tried this, and if it



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