Lab set up for 3700

Paul Shinn pshinn at force.stwing.upenn.edu
Wed Sep 24 22:45:07 EST 2003

McNeely, Suzanne <suzanne.mcneely at invitrogen.com> wrote:
: We are having a 3700 installed in our lab that currently has only 377s. My
: facilities department is having issues with the height of the 3700.
: Apparently 53" will require that I climb a ladder in order to load the
: plates if it is placed on a benchtop. Facilities would like to place the
: instrument on the floor which I'm strongly against. I was wondering what
: other labs have done to accomodate the height of the 3700. I'd like to
: consider a lowered platform but wonder about accessibilty for the service
: technicians. Can anyone give some advice about how they have dealt with the
: size of the 3700 and user/service technician accesibilty in their labs?

   This is a 3700 and you want it off the floor?  Are you sure you don't
mean a 3730 which is only 3 feet tall and about the same size as a 377?
We have 4 3700s that sit on the floor and they come with wheels so the
service people can easily move them if needed.  It was designed to sit on
the floor.  It might even be dangerous to put it any higher since it's
very heavy and could come rolling off the platform and crush someone.


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