generate pdfs from trace files

Bernd Weisshaar weisshaa at cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de
Fri Jul 25 01:58:10 EST 2003

Dear Steve,

1) we have so far been unable to find a way to force Adobe Acrobat
(even the "Professional" Version), or MacOS-X 10.2, or any other tool
to preserve the file names in the "printed" pdf file. If you work on
a 3730, you can imagine that this is required to keep track of the
files (that should replace the correct paper version).

2) to save time and to profit from the capabilities of an intranet
based on pdf's, we would like to generate the pdf's automatically in
the LIMS database. This should replace printing the paper version
that users want to get. And it should give users the option to
re-print lost paper versions, decide about landscape or upright,

Best regards, Bernd

>Why won't Adobe Acrobat work for you? You can print the pdf files
>directly from
>sequence analysis with having to mess around with anything. The only draw back
>is it can get confusing remembering which file is printing when you save the
>pdf format if printing a lot at once.
>DNA Sequencing Core Facility at Caltech

Bielefeld University, Dept. of Biology
Prof. Dr. Bernd Weisshaar
Chair of Genome Research (Lehrstuhl fuer Genomforschung)
D-33594 Bielefeld

Office: V6-133
Tel.: +49-521-106-6873
Fax: +49-521-106-6423
genomforschung at uni-bielefeld.de
WWW-URL: http://www.CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE/groups/gf/

alternative address:
MPI for Plant Breeding Research (MPI fuer Zuechtungsforschung)
Carl-von-Linne-Weg 10
D-50829 Koeln

Tel. office: +49-221-5062-850
Tel. lab: +49-221-5062-860
Fax: +49-221-5062-851
weisshaa at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
WWW-URL: http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~weisshaa/BW-info.html

1) Please direct emails regarding GABI-Kat to: gabikat at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
2) Since I travel between both locations mentioned above, it might be
difficult to reach me. In any case, it is a good idea to let it ring
until you get an answering machine.

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