generate pdfs from trace files

James VanEe jiv2 at cornell.edu
Wed Jul 23 07:39:49 EST 2003

   I've created a script using a program called vtrace from Brent Ewing.  I
think you'd have to contact him directly for the program. That program
creates postscript files in a batch, command line mode and then I use
ImageMagick to create PDFs.The only problem I've had recently is that I
can't get the vtrace source I have to compile on new linux distribution,
but the binary I created back a couple of years ago still works. I'd be
interested in any other solutions you hear about.
   The ABRF list (http://abrf.org/index.cfm/list.home) had a post some time
ago about some scripted solutions on Mac and Windows. you could try
searching to find the thread.
Good luck

At 10:22 PM 7/22/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear All,
>does someone know a program (or script) that generates pdf's directly
>from trace files?
>Ideally, the program would have a command-line interface (to be
>scriptable) and settings that allow to generate an output similar to
>the prints from Sequencing Analysis.
>Best regards, Bernd
>Bielefeld University, Dept. of Biology
>Prof. Dr. Bernd Weisshaar
>Chair of Genome Research (Lehrstuhl fuer Genomforschung)
>D-33594 Bielefeld
>Office: V6-133
>Tel.: +49-521-106-6873
>Fax: +49-521-106-6423
>genomforschung at uni-bielefeld.de
>WWW-URL: http://www.CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE/groups/gf/
>alternative address:
>MPI for Plant Breeding Research (MPI fuer Zuechtungsforschung)
>Carl-von-Linne-Weg 10
>D-50829 Koeln
>Tel. office: +49-221-5062-850
>Tel. lab: +49-221-5062-860
>Fax: +49-221-5062-851
>weisshaa at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
>WWW-URL: http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~weisshaa/BW-info.html
>1) Please direct emails regarding GABI-Kat to: gabikat at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
>2) Since I travel between both locations mentioned above, it might be
>difficult to reach me. In any case, it is a good idea to let it ring
>until you get an answering machine.

    James VanEe, Interim Director
    Biotechnology Resource Center
    171 Biotech Bldg, CU, Ithaca NY 14853
    (607) 254-4862 (fax4847)


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