Data collection software

Alberto Pallavicini pallavic at univ.trieste.it
Thu Jul 10 04:46:41 EST 2003

we sometime use an old ABI373 DNA sequencer but now the data collection
software installed on the Mac shows some problems. I want to reinstall it
but I cant find the original floppy. Could someone e-mail  me the software?
Thank's in advance


Dr. Alberto Pallavicini

Laboratorio di Genetica
Dipartimento di Biologia
Universit=E0 di Trieste
P.le Valmaura 9
34143 Trieste (Italy)
Tel. +39-040-812237
Fax. +39-040-810860
E-mail pallavic at units.it  alberto at cribi.unipd.it

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