SeqScape QVs

Verena Bohle vbohle at oncoscreen.com
Thu Aug 14 10:18:32 EST 2003

Hello everybody,

Does anyone have experience with the SeqScape Software of Applied
Biosystems? Concerning the Consensus-QVs of each nucleotide I observed that
the QVs sometimes decreases if you add more data. Althoug the data I added
were of medium quality and confirmed the nucleotide which was already found
in former data. Did anyone notice this fact and what did you do about this?
I appreciate every help.

Best regards,
Verena Bohle

Verena Bohle
Oncoscreen GmbH
Wildenbruchstrasse 15
07745 Jena, Germany

Tel.: +49-3641/67 52 53
Fax: +49-3641/67 52 51
e.mail: vbohle at oncoscreen.com


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