sequencing from yeast clones

Klaus Oldach klaus.oldach at adelaide.edu.au
Thu Oct 31 20:13:38 EST 2002

I can not get any sequence data when I try to sequence (using BigDye vers.3)
from PCR fragments that have been amplified using miniprep DNA from yeast
cells. The PCR fragments were purified using the Qiagen PCR purification
columns before carrying out the sequencing reaction. Controls using E.coli
derived template with the same primer (T7) work fine.

Does anybody have similar experiences with the sequencing from yeast derived
templates ?

Dr Klaus Oldach
University of Adelaide
Waite Campus, PMB1
Glen Osmond 5064
South Australia
phone: +61 8 8303 7331
fax: +61 8 8303 7102


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