Hi Laurence,
I think the rolling loading of the machine is the principal improvement
but there are a few other things too.
1) We used to get the collection software freezing regularly when
plates were being imported, either just getting stuck or going back to the
"?". This hasnt happened at all with v2.
2) They have got rid of data extractor which caused us regular problems.
3) There are some elements of service tools now available fron within
4) There is an improvement in the flexibility of choices for file and
folder names.
when you first use v2 watch out for...
1) Your files and folders being called something completely different from
before (although you can modify this... see 4)
2) Sample sheets prepared for v1 collection will ask for a differently
named analysis module and will have to be changed.
Hope some of this helps.
Dr N I Leaves
Genomic Sequencing
MRC HGMP Resource Centre
Cambridge CB10 1SB
tel: 01223 494557 (office) or 01223 494541 (lab)
email: nleaves at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk