Data collection version 2.0 & 3700

Laurence Hall lhall48108 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 29 10:33:18 EST 2002

Dear Colleague(s),

can anyone enunciate the main advantages of version 2.0 data collection software ?? I understand that the ability to create new plate records in real time and thus continually feed the 3700 with plates is the principal reason for the change.

Are there any other fundamental changes ( as opposed to 'cosmetic fixes' like a drop down menu for selecting cuvette temperature for instance ) and has anyone yet found any obvious flaws with this new package ??


Laurence Hall

Cardiac Genome lab,


Laurence Hall
68 Lonsdale Road
Burton on Trent
Staffs DE14 3ED
Tel. # 01283 517 422
lhall48108 at yahoo.com

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