3100 formamide

Brynn Watson Brynn_Watson at hc-sc.gc.ca
Mon Oct 28 08:30:05 EST 2002

Roland: thanks for the information- we have run several plates out of
water, but had yet to leave 2 on for a weekend, so that was especially
useful.  We have used an 80cm array in the past, and have since switched
back to our 50 cm array for 2 main reasons- first, the run times were
simply too long, and second after losing an hour per run, the read lengths
that we obtained weren't much better than those with the 50 cm array.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) we still have a pair of 377XL's that give us
really long reads (upwards of 1000bp), and although they are considerably
more work, they can run a full 96 well plate faster than the 80 cm array
can.  Until such time as we can afford a second 3100, we will depend
heavily on the 377 for our long reads, and the 3100 for everything required
600bp or less.
Brynn Anne Watson
DNA Core Facility
Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health
1015 Arlington St., Suite H3390
Winnipeg, MB   R3E 3R2
Phone: (204) 789-6035
Fax: (204) 789-2018
Email: brynn_watson at hc-sc.gc.ca

Roland.Varecka at vie.boehringer-ingelheim.com on 10/26/2002 05:49:16 AM

To:    Brynn Watson/HC-SC/GC/CA at HWC

Subject:    3100 formamide

Dear Brynn,
we use water for 99% of our sample runs and it works fine in our hands
(quartz distilled, WFI or HPLC grade water).
Only when we load 2 full 96 well plates, we add 50% formamide to avoid
potential loss of
sample quality due to evaporation of  water.

We are considering switching to the 80 cm capillaries in the near future
which adds
another approx. 6 hours to the total run time for a full 96 well plate, so
we'll probably
closely observe how much evaporation becomes a permanent issue. If not,
we'll stick with

Best regards, Roland

in article ap3vbb$gup$1 at mercury.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk, Brynn Watson at
Brynn_Watson at hc-sc.gc.ca wrote on 23/10/02 5:45 AM:

> Is anyone running reactions on their ABI 3100 out of water rather than
> formamide?  I am interested in trying this, but would like some feedback
> from other 3100 users first.
> Thank-you!
> _________________
> Brynn Anne Watson
> DNA Core Facility
> Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health
> 1015 Arlington St., Suite H3390
> Winnipeg, MB   R3E 3R2
> Phone: (204) 789-6035
> Fax: (204) 789-2018
> Email: brynn_watson at hc-sc.gc.ca
> ---
Hi Brynn

Water is all I ever use on our 3100; it works just as well as it used to on
a 3700 in a previous lab.


Nick Ellison
New Zealand


Roland M Varecka
Boehringer Ingelheim Austria GmbH
Dr. Boehringergasse 5-11
A-1121 Wien, =D6sterreich

Tel:  xx43-1-80105-2392
Fax:  xx43-1-80105-2782
Email:      roland.varecka at vie.boehringer-ingelheim.com


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