ABI 3100

Brynn Watson Brynn_Watson at hc-sc.gc.ca
Wed Oct 23 07:32:00 EST 2002

---------------------- Forwarded by Brynn Watson/HC-SC/GC/CA on 10/23/2002
07:31 AM ---------------------------

"Martin Maier" <martin.maier at geneart.de> on 10/23/2002 12:57:36 AM

To:    Brynn Watson/HC-SC/GC/CA at HWC

Subject:    Re: ABI 3100

Hi Brynn,

regarding to your question at bio.net about running samples in water on the
We bought our 3100 in 2000 and since this time we inject our sample in a
mixture of 2 parts water and 1 part formamide.
With only water we got some problems, like degratation of the samples over
the time.


geneart GmbH
Dipl. Ing. Martin Maier
Josef-Engert-Stra=DFe 9
D-93053 Regensburg

Tel.: +49-(0)941-9427618
Fax: +49-(0)941-9427611
E-mail: martin.maier at geneart.de


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