You might want to look at Anthrocart. Their standard computer carts are sturdy
but may not stand up to to a 3730XL's weight. But they have some carts that are
said to "hold 600 lbs. and be as steady as concrete." See:
I have some anthro carts, but no anthro benches.
Tell us how that 3730XL works out for you!
Phillip SanMiguel
Purdue Genomics Core Facility
Alison Brown wrote:
> We've just purchased a 3730XL and found that our lab benches are not
> suitable because of the need for access to the back of the machine and
> also for ventilation issues. Applied Biosystems suggested buying a lab
> bench on castors to roll out the instrument so the engineer could access
> the rear of the machine. The bench they suggest is a Heick's Lab Bench
> and the only supplier they suggested was a company in San Fransisco.
> Does anyone know of alternatives or a supplier here in the North East?
> I searched on the internet for Heicks lab bench but didn't find anything?
>> Thanks,
> Alison
>> --
> Alison Brown
> Laboratory Manager and Technical Director
> Harvard Partners Center for Genetics and Genomics
> High Throughput Genotyping Facility
> Brigham and Women's Hospital
> 221 Longwood Avenue, LM114
> Boston, MA 02115.
>> Lab Tel: 617 732 5949
> Office Tel: 617 732 5561
> Fax: 617 264 5135
>> ---