Dear Peter,
if the failure is unstable and fluctuating between the different
capillaries of your array, the problem is probably connected with the
bubbles in your polymer, clogging different capillaries at different
runs. Even the tiny bubble caught in capillary would prevent the
electrokinetic injection, which occurs simultaneously in whole 96-cap
array (the capillaries share the cathode bar). Do you use a new array,
or it's an old one? Try to disassemble the fluidics system, fill it
with new fresh polymer, debubble and purge the array well (I recommend
to perform a spatial calib run with "Fill capillaries" option checked,
then abort the calibration.
Let me know what happens.
Sincerely - Zhenya
> The sample at position H12 only is not aspirated, and therefore we get a failed capillary for this sample. It tends to happen on the second run of a given batch. Although, the problem has occurred in two positions B and C, when 4 runs are put on together.
>> We are using an ABI 3700 Sequencer, with POP-6 and firmware 1.2.2, could the firmware be the problem, or is there another reason for this recurrent problem?