BigDye v3.0 dilution?

Bruce Roe broe at ou.edu
Thu May 16 15:46:20 EST 2002

Erin, et al.
	Our protocols for diluting BD v3 and automated
pipetting on the Hydra96 are at URL:



Erin Peden wrote:

> Hello All,
> 	I do a small amount of sequencing from PCR products until now I
> have been using applied biosystems Big Dye v2.0. It seems I will have to
> get Big Dye v3.0. I was wondering if I would be able to dilute the newer
> chemistry the same way I was diluting before. Currently I use 1ul of the
> BigDye Mix, 2ul of a dilution buffer, 0.5ul of 10uM sequencing primer, and
> 3.5ul of PCR product. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> 	Erin Peden
> 4439 Tupper Hall
> 1 Shields Ave
> Davis CA 95616
> 530-754-6093
> ---

  Bruce A. Roe, Ph.D  George Lynn Cross Research Professor
                      Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
                      620 Parrington Oval, Rm 311
                      University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019-0370, U.S.A.
  Phone: (405) 325-4912 or 7610;  FAX: (405) 325-7762;  e-mail: broe at ou.edu
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