Hi Alex,
are you running the long read presequenced standards or a matrix
standard? Also, do you see the haze in addition to your sequence peaks or
do you only see the green? was your spatial OK when you installed the
array? I always try a regeneration with nitric acid in cases like these...
have you tried?
Do the electrophoretic conditions in the staus window appear sensible? I
once ruined an array when the buffer weight got stuck in the mouth of the
container. The array showed no data for several runs, then I noticed the
buffer wasnt being used up. Regeneration didnt help, presumably the
array had dried up. Also take the oven lid off and have a peek inside...
perhaps something obvious has happened... a big polymer leak or load bar
Finally, can you be sure that the sequencing / standards you are using are
OK... do you have another machine that is producing data?
Hope some of this helps. If you can answer some of my questions we could
go further in trying to solve this.
best wishes
Dr N I Leaves
Mouse Sequencing
MRC HGMP Resource Centre
Cambridge CB10 1SB
tel: 01223 494557 (office) or 01223 494541 (lab)
email: nleaves at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk