left to right signal from 3700 array

Dr N.I.Leaves nleaves at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Thu Jul 11 04:16:38 EST 2002

On 10 Jul 2002, Arie Vana wrote:


> 40 degrees gave very little signal on the left . same for 47.5 degrees.
> I cant find a temp which gives me good signal at the middle.
> any solutions?


I'm not sure there is a solution to your problem. What is the difference
in peak intensity between the weakest and the strongest? This problem is a
natural consequence of the way the laser on the machines is aimed from one
side of the array only. We always see a dip in the middle of the spatial,
but I must say the sensitivity of these machines is such that the middle
caps dont produce any worse data the the ones from the edges.

Speak to technical support... if the middle caps are wildy out then
perhaps you've got an optical problem? you could run the service tools and
have a look at the alignment?

Hope this helps


Dr N I Leaves
Mouse Sequencing
MRC HGMP Resource Centre
Cambridge CB10 1SB
tel: 01223 494557 (office) or 01223 494541 (lab)
email: nleaves at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk

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