ABI sequencing analysis on quicksilver G4?

James VanEe jiv2 at cornell.edu
Thu Jan 24 08:24:57 EST 2002

you have an alternative to replacing the graphics card - you can add
another one. then you could use two monitors - you'd probably need a
second monitor because of the digital interfaces on new macs/monitors.

>  > Hi, we have just purchased a new "quicksilver" G4 to help speed up
>>  gel analysis using ABI's Sequencing Analysis 3.4.1 (and MacOs 9.2),
>>  but are seeing what appears to be an incompatibility with the std
>>  graphics card. When scrolling across a gel image, the screen fails to
>>  refresh properly, and newly appearing bits of the gel have large gaps
>>  in them where the screen only draws grey, and / or the tracking lines
>>  are missing. This is far worse when scrolling from side to side, than
>>  when scrolling up/down. If you collapse and reopen the gel file
>>  window, the screen redraws correctly, but as soon as you scroll, it
>>  corrupts again.
>>  Has anyone else encountered this, knows of a fix? We have tried
>>  increasing program memory, changing screen resolutions and colour
>>  depths, swapping monitors etc, all to no avail. ABI's only suggestion
>>  to date was to remove the graphics card and revert to a poorer
>>  quality one which seems somewhat of a throwback approach. NB. it
>>  behaves perfectly when run on the previous design G4 minitower, or on
>>  a titanium G4 powerbook (both MacOs 9.1)
>>  Thanks
>I have encountered the same problem with a G4, scrolling through a 377 gel
>image causes the screen fails to refresh properly thereby leaving large
>sections of the screen blank unless I collaspe the window and reopen it.  I
>have yet to find a fix for this problem.  Would love to hear it if anyone
>has the solution.
>Matthew Randesi
>Lab Manager, DNA Sequencing Laboratory
>The Protein/DNA Technology Center
>HHMI / The Rockefeller University
>1230 York Ave., Box 105
>New York, New York  10021

   James VanEe, Manager
   BRC Computing Facility
   171 Biotech Bldg, CU, Ithaca NY 14853
   (607) 254-4862 (fax4847)


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