Questions on MWG RoboSeq 4204

CMortimer at PHLS.org.uk CMortimer at PHLS.org.uk
Wed Jan 2 12:26:57 EST 2002

Dear Agnes,

We've got a RoboAmp 4200, I think it's a very similar instrument to yours.
We've had a lot problems with it, in particular the pipetting accuracy and
reproducibility. After a lot of testing, tweaking and visits from engineers
I was eventually able to convince MWG that there was actually a fault with
our robot, and they gave us another one - which pipettes much more
reproducibly. However, I wouldn't trust it to pipette less than 3ul. Make
sure the tips are on really firmly - our tip handler is programmed to slam
into the tips quite hard to ensure a good seal. Also make sure the tip
handler is hitting the tips dead on. Flush the system before each pipetting
step as air bubbles in the tubes are a real problem for accuracy. Make sure
there aren't drops of liquid on the tips as this fools the liquid detection
system. If you're pipetting less than about 15ul into an empty well, make
sure the tip touches the bottom of the well or the droplet often just hangs
on the end of the tip. I suspect that if you're using different plates, the
wells wont all be the same depth, which might be causing some problems. As
far as the software goes, I've been quite happy with it. Drop me a line if
you've got any more questions.


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