DNASeq - MegaBACE matrix

Laurence Hall hall at RUBICONGENOMICS.com
Mon Feb 18 10:32:12 EST 2002


 I posed this very same question to Amersham.

The answer is you cannot because you run a serious risk of introducing
air bubbles by injecting 'spent' LPA matrix

Laurence Hall

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenis Wiebe [mailto:wiebe at mpi-cbg.de]
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 10:06 AM
To: ABRF Newsgroup; autoseq at net.bio.net
Subject: DNASeq - MegaBACE matrix

I would like to hear from MegaBACE users regarding matrix usage.
Specifically, I am interested to know if anyone re-uses the matrix that
is left in the pre-filled tubes after a run, and if so:

1) Can the volume be below the recommended volume of 0.7 ml?
2) Can small amounts be combined together for re-use?
3) How many times can this be done?

Thanks in advance


Glenis Wiebe
Facility Leader, DNA Sequencing
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
01307 Dresden

Tel: +49-351-210-2628
Fax: +49-351-210-2000
e-mail: wiebe at mpi-cbg.de
webpage: www.mpi-cbg.de

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