3700 problem

Dr N.I.Leaves nleaves at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Mon Dec 16 11:01:47 EST 2002


have you spotted that the default analysis module does not have the same
name between v1 and v2 collection software? So .plt files you create off
the machines will need to have the correctly named analysis module in this


On 16 Dec 2002, Hall, L.S. wrote:

> Dear all:
> we are encountering a problem with our 3700 which is more than a little inconvenient (to say the least).
> Since loading data collection version 2.0, the machine refuses to accept customised plate records, created either within data collection itself ( using the 'new' function ) or by importing a tpl file. In essence, the software keeps telling us that no data can be identified in A1 cell and consequently refuses to run the plate.
> However, if the run is commenced by importing a generic plate record ( i.e. a tpl file created by AB and residing in the 'plate support files directory'), the machine appears happy and will continue to run; The plate record can then be customised with particulars of samples during data collection itself. If the plate record is modified during the pre run the run is aborted prior to collection on account of the same 'supposed' error as above.
> I should qualify the above by saying that this problem is exclusively a sequencing module problem and does not affect Gene scan plates and we ordinarily run 96 well plates.
> Comments ??!!
> Laurence Hall
> Clinical Sciences
> Cardiology division
> University of Leicester
> Glenfield Hospital
> Leicester LE3 9QP
> Tel.: 0116 256 3040
> Fax:  0116 287 5792
> E-mail: LSH11 at le.ac.uk
> ---

Dr N I Leaves
Genomic Sequencing
MRC HGMP Resource Centre
Cambridge CB10 1SB
tel: 01223 494557 (office) or 01223 494541 (lab)
email: nleaves at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk

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