Our lab currently has one extra 3100 for sale. We have just purchased a
3730 xl and would like to resell our 3100. The unit is in excellent (read
mint) condition and has seen a very small number of injections. The unit
has sequencing option on it. We are seeking 120,000.00$CAD for it or
For inquiries please contact:
Marc-Andre Rodrigue
Service de Sequence
Centre de recherche du CHUL
Bloc T3-67
2705 Blv laurier
G1V 4G2
e-mail: marc at borabora.crchul.ulaval.ca
tel: 418-654-2296
Fax: 418-654-2761
Disclaimer: This sale does not give me any financial benefits in any way.
This instrument is sold by the Molecular Endocrinology Group of CHUL.
Marc-Andre Rodrigue
Service de Sequence
Centre de recherche du CHUL
Bloc T3-67
2705 Blv laurier
G1V 4G2
adresse electronique: marc at borabora.crchul.ulaval.ca
tel: (418) 654-2296
Fax: (418) 654-2761