ABI 377 combs

Tim Moran Moran at wadsworth.org
Fri Sep 21 10:38:50 EST 2001

Hi Samantha,
We have moved to a 3700 so dont use the 377 any more but we always used to 
put two binder clamps over the well former during gel polymerization.  This 
worked well for us, in fact in some cases the well was so "tight" we would 
end up bending comb teeth trying to insert the sharktooth side.  I never 
tried the paper combs but sounds like they work too.  Hope this helps.

In article <9oetv0$hf0$1 at mercury.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk>, st at cormack.uct.ac.za says...
>Hi there,
>We're experiencing a problem with the sharkstooth combs for the ABI 
>377, and any suggestions would be much appreciated.
>We're finding that our wells have started leaking when we load the 
>gel, and the problem seems to be that the well formed is perhaps too 
>wide, making the teeth loose in the well.  We don't get acrylamide 
>in the well, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with the clamping.
>New combs work fine, which suggests that there might be some build-up 
>on the older combs?
>Has anyone experienced this?  If so, any suggestions on the best way 
>to "strip" the combs?
>Many thanks,
>-Samantha Donninger
>MRC Human Genetics Research Unit
>Division of Human Genetics
>Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences
>University of Cape Town
>email:  st at cormack.uct.ac.za
>ph:  (+27 21) 406 6456
>fax:  (+27 21) 488 0906


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