ABI kit Genotyping PCR help

Justin Hopkins justin.hopkins at kcl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 5 05:58:19 EST 2001

radomski wrote:
> While carrying out genotyping using ABI's LMS-MD10 kit using MJ Tetrads
> for the thermocycling, we have noticed some data quality/failure rate
> issues that we think might be related to using 96-well PCR heads versus
> 384-well heads.

What makes you think it's the PCR machine to blame? Are you observing rxn evaporation?

Not that I've got experience doing this rxn in 384's, but reducing the PCR
volume usually provokes inconsistent results due to a loss of stoichiometric
precision. So perhaps this is a set-up or post-processing issue?



Justin Hopkins
Cancer Genetics Laboratory
Division of Medical and Molecular Genetics
King's College London


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