BLAST problems

Kittler, Ellen Ph. D. Ellen.Kittler at umassmed.edu
Tue Oct 16 16:22:03 EST 2001

This is the reply from NCBI regarding current
problems with BLAST. You are not alone.

Dear Colleague,

Thanks for reporting this to us.

Our BLAST server is experiencing some formating related
problems, our staffs are aware of this.  We will try to
fix this as soon as possible.  Unfortunately, we do not
have an estimate on the time this would take.

To keep the users informed, we have posted a notice in
our blast homepage regarding this. We apologize for this
inconvenience and please try your search again later after
the problems are corrected.


Tao Tao
NCBI USer Service
tao at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov


"Million to one chances come up nine times out of ten" T.P.
Ellen LW Kittler, PhD
UMass Center For AIDS Research
Suite 207B, 2 Biotech
373 Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Ellen.Kittler at umassmed.edu


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