"NCBI" Blast - not working

David F.Bishop david.bishop at mssm.edu
Tue Oct 16 11:43:24 EST 2001

Whenever NCBI is not working, I go to the Blast site in Japan: 
http://www.blast.genome.ad.jp/  Being in quite different time zones 
at least one of these is usually fast enough.

-David Bishop

>Hi all,
>I'm trying to make a blast search with
><http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/> of a DNA sequence.
>Normally the NCBI service is quite fast in returning results, but today
>I have to wait hours without getting anything. I asked my coworkers and
>they are having the same trouble once they start a blast with NCBI.
>Questions: Has anybody done a succesful NCBI blast today? Is there an
>alternative to NCBI (I tried EMBL as well, but it didn't work either)?
>I'm curious as hell about these sequences...

David F. Bishop, Ph.D.              | EMail: david.bishop at mssm.edu
Professor of Human Genetics         | Phone: (212) 659-6795
Dept. of Human Genetics, Box 1498   | FAX:   (212) 849-2508
Mount Sinai School of Medicine      |
1425 Madison Avenue, NY, NY 10029   | www.mssm.edu/genetics/home-page.html


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