Medium throughput capillary sequencers/analyzers

Howard Cash howardc at genecodes.com
Thu May 10 11:26:09 EST 2001

>Are there any medium throughput (4-16) capillary electrophoresis systems
>where all the capillaries in the array do not have to be used
>simultaneously, without losing usage of those that have fewer or no runs? Or
>is there, for e.g., an 8-capillary machine with the option of switching back
>& forth between one or two 4-capillary arrays.
>Thank you.
>Jaswinder S. Khattra
>Genetics Lab
>Fisheries & Oceans Canada
>4160 Marine Drive
>West Vancouver BC V7V1N6
>(604) 666-4802, lab & fax-4805
>khattraj at pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Dear Jaswinder,

You should take a look at the new MegaBACE 500.  A 48 capillary system 
that can also be run with 32 or 16 capillaries.  And the really nice 
thing is that it can be changed into a 96 cap MegaBACE 1000 with a field 

I don't work for or have an official relationship with Molecular 
Dynamics, but I'm impressed with the technology.

Howard Cash
Gene Codes Corporation

My opinions do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, but under
the circumstances, they usually do.


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