Bioinformatics in Maryland

Lee Iovino li at wadc.questsyst.com
Thu Jun 21 12:58:12 EST 2001

Join this highly respected research group in the heart of the Maryland
BioTechnology cooridor.  The Bioinformatics Engineer will be responsible for
a wide range of technical tasks involving creation and use of software for
the display & manipulation of biological data for specific genome sequencing
projects. Position will work closely with team members to assist, expand &
support current, new and ongoing sequencing efforts.

Required: 3+ years of Perl &/or Java experience is the minimum (both are
preferred), Masters or PhD in Molecular Biology or related field is also
required. Strong preference will be put on local candidates. Salary to
$60,000 plus outstanding benefits.

Please contact:

Lee A. Iovino
li at wadc.questsyst.com


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