Is anyone running Sequence Navigator under Mac OS 9? After upgrading the
Mac from OS 8.1 to 9.1 we are no longer able to display
electropherograms that were edited previously: "system error 9141 using
file xxxxx on volume [HD name]." Assuming this was caused by SeqNav's
dislike of the new Mac OS hard disk formatting standard (HFS+) I
reinitialized the HD as HFS while keeping OS 9.1. However now we are
getting a system error -5016.
Since 9.1 is the most robust Mac OS that I know of I'd hate to go back
to 8.1 unless absolutely necessary.
Any ideas/solutions?
Hans Sluiman
Dr Hans J Sluiman
Scientific, Technical and IT Services Department
Royal Botanic Garden
20A Inverleith Row
Edinburgh EH3 5LR (Scotland, United Kingdom)
+44 (0)131 2482840 (tel.)
+44 (0)131 2482901 (fax)