Sequence Navigator problem

Hans Sluiman h.sluiman at rbge.org.uk
Tue Jul 31 05:13:55 EST 2001

Is anyone running Sequence Navigator under Mac OS 9? After upgrading the
Mac from OS 8.1 to 9.1 we are no longer able to display
electropherograms that were edited previously: "system error 9141 using
file xxxxx on volume [HD name]." Assuming this was caused by SeqNav's
dislike of the new Mac OS hard disk formatting standard (HFS+) I
reinitialized the HD as HFS while keeping OS 9.1. However now we are
getting a system error -5016.

Since 9.1 is the most robust Mac OS that I know of I'd hate to go back
to 8.1 unless absolutely necessary.

Any ideas/solutions?


Hans Sluiman

Dr Hans J Sluiman
Scientific, Technical and IT Services Department
Royal Botanic Garden
20A Inverleith Row
Edinburgh EH3 5LR (Scotland, United Kingdom)
+44  (0)131 2482840 (tel.)
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