Yes. But it was due to a pump error during the wizard.
First I suggest ignoring the wizard's advice to put a dry filter in. Flush the filter with ddH2O and then install it
(still filled with water). This puts less strain on the pump.
But your real problem is that the wizard has partially completed. This means that the first part of the wizard is done.
Attempting to re-run the wizard will then always result in failure.
Here is why. The change array wizard is composed of a couple of different parts.
1. POP6 to water
2. install array
Lots of pressure can be built up in the cuvette when there is POP in the capillaries--the POP2water part depends on
this. But once the POP has been replaced with water there is little back-pressure. So the POP2water part will always
fail to reach the desired pressure and error out. Over and over again.
The problem is that if there is POP in the caps you definitely do not want to run install array (which includes an acid
wash). So it would be best to start the regenerate array wizard (after a complete shut-down, bring-up of the computer
and 3700). Then watch hyper terminal. The first part should take about 70 minutes. You can see all the pressure readings
as water is pumped into the cuvette and a back-pressure of 120 PSI (1200 units in the hyperterminal window, the pressure
readings are in square brackets: [600] [590] [600] ) is attempted. The wizard will repeatedly attempt to reach this
back-pressure, then error out. With water the back-pressure is much lower, it will not reach [1200]. Most of the time
the wizard will fail to report the error to the 3700 correctly, so the machine will just sit there. But if you see the
attempts to pressurize the cuvette failing over and over again. This is irritating, but it does mean that there should
be no polymer in your caps, so it is safe to go onto the next part.
Shut everything down. Then bring it back up. This time run the "install capillary" choice in the wizard. Don't take your
caps out--or you will need to do a new spatial. Just ignore the instructions that relate to putting the array in (you
have already have an array.) If you rinse your filter and fill it with ddH2O before installing it, less chance you will
overload your pump. So it should go smoothly. If it doesn't work, you might need to open a service call.
Phillip SanMiguel
Purdue Genomics Core Facility
Arthur Mangos wrote:
> I am experiencing problems with the wizard software functions on the 3700.
> When changing arrays the Wizard program didn't complete the full operational
> function , no acid wash occured.
> Has any other user experienced this problem when using these Software
> problems.
> Any feedback would be appreciated.
> Arthur Mangos
> Molecular Patholgy
> I.M.V.S
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