Sequencing directly from BACs

Scottie Adams sadams at aldus.northnet.org
Mon Jul 23 10:13:32 EST 2001

Dear  Tonto.  (I've heard the joke :-))

	Try  http://www.abrf.org/   and look under Research Groups/ DNA
sequence.  Look for their 200/2001 study on BACs.

You will find a sample protocol which should work fine for you.


At 3:35 AM +0100 7/22/01, TONTO wrote:
>Anyone have any tricks for sequencing directly from BAC clones?
>Our core lab has never done it and they would like some input before they do
>some runs for us.
>I believe they are using the big dye terminator kit and a capillary
>sequencing machine.  I can get more specific info if anyone has had luck
>with this.
>tontogoldstein at hotmail.com

Scottie Adams aka Pamela Scott Adams

Molecular Biology Core Facility
Trudeau Institute
100 Algonquin Avenue
Saranac Lake, NY    12983
Phone:  518-891-3080, Ext. 115
Fax:    518-891-5126
Email: sadams at northnet.org
sadams at trudeauinstitute.org


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