3100 and Office 2000

Tor Slettnes tor at slett.net
Sat Jul 21 14:43:18 EST 2001

>>>>> "Christine" =3D=3D Christine Ponte <christine.ponte at mail.tju.edu> wri=

    Christine> Has anyone downloaded Office 2000 on the 3100's NT
    Christine> machine. My NT machine is not on a network and I would
    Christine> like to utilize the printer for other applications
    Christine> specifically graphics on Powerepoint presentations. I
    Christine> was wondering if running the office program interfered
    Christine> with communication with the intrument.  Thanks

No, running Office should be fine.  =20

It might be best to install it from a CD, if you have one.  If you
network your computer (via the 2nd ethernet card), even for the short
duration of getting an Office suite onto it, you should change the
default passwords (for 3100user, DNA, and Administrator) - otherwise
anyone will be able to access your 3100 workstation via FTP.


F=E5r i ulvekl=E6r


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