BigDye version 3 sequencing kit

Glenis Wiebe wiebe at mpi-cbg.de
Fri Jul 20 11:38:47 EST 2001

To everyone who has been following the discussion surrounding BigDye version 3
problems, I just received the following from AppliedBiosystems.  Since this
discussion has been split between two newsgroups, let me give a quick summary of
the problem first.  I am running BigDye version 3 on a 377 using 48cm 5%
LongRanger gels with TTE (Tris/TAPS/EDTA). What I have been experiencing is an
offset/shift of G's in relation to the other bases (particularly A's) creating
problems with the base calling.  So anyway, here is the news:

> We hope that by next week there is a mobility file posted on our website
>      that can handle these long read gels. Please try with this one when it is
>      released. You find it on our website:
>           www.appliedbiosystems.com > services & support > softwaredownloads >
>      ABI Prism 377 > module files
>      I presume it will have "LR" in its naming.
Glenis Wiebe, M.Sc.
DNA Sequencing
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
D-01307 Dresden

Tel: +49-351-210-2628
Fax: +49-351-210-2000
e-mail: wiebe at mpi-cbg.de
webpage: www.mpi-cbg.de

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