Hi Duncan,
Yes, that was a thought I had too - maybe something had gone horribly wrong
while generating the new matrix. However, after making three separate ones
(two from matrix standards, one from a sample file), I've decided the problem
must be something else.
"Dr.Duncan Clark" wrote:
> In article <9j6ff2$q6t$1 at mercury.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk>, the eminent Joanne
> Gilfillan at BIOSCI/MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre
> wrote
> >We recently tried out the Big Dye Terminator Kit Version 3 on our ABI
> >377 sequencer. We experienced an offset/shift of the GTP in relation
> >to the other bases, creating problems with the base calling. Version
> >1 of this kit gave us no problems at all. Has anyone else also found
> >this, and if so, are there any ideas on how to remedy this problem?
> >Does anyone know whether version3 has been tested extensively on
> >gel-based systems?
>> Just a thought. Do you not need to generate a new matrix for the kit,
> which will then overcome these problems?
>> Duncan
> --
> It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really
> quite busy.
>> Duncan Clark
> GeneSys Ltd.
> Tel. +44 (0) 1252376288
> FAX +44 (0) 8701640382
>> ---
Glenis Wiebe, M.Sc.
DNA Sequencing
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
D-01307 Dresden
Tel: +49-351-210-2628
Fax: +49-351-210-2000
e-mail: wiebe at mpi-cbg.de
webpage: www.mpi-cbg.de