The Harvard-Partners Center for Genetics and Genomics is building a
state-of-the-art facility in Cambridge that will be dedicated to high
throughput genotyping, DNA sequencing and DNA microarray technology.
The Center is currently seeking highly motivated, experienced individuals
interested in working in an academically-oriented team environment to fill
positions in the following areas:
Facility Managers:
Ph.D. level candidates having prior experience with high throughput
technologies are sought. Industrial or biotechnology background
preferred. Responsibilities include overseeing sequencing, genotyping and
microarray facilities. Knowledge and experience in personnel management,
budgeting and computation are required. Opportunities for research and
development of new technologies will be available.
Laboratory Technicians:
Several full-time B.S. and M.S. level positions requiring proven skills in
molecular biology techniques including PCR, DNA purification, nucleic acid
hybridization, cloning, and automated DNA sequencing. Excellent computer
skills are essential.
B.S. through Ph.D. level candidates with demonstrated experience in
computational biology. Knowledge of molecular biology is a plus.
Systems Analyst:
Responsible for maintaining high end computers and data processing of
several large-scale genetics programs.
Executive Assistant to the Scientific Director:
Responsible for assisting the Director in managing all aspects of the Center.
Please send or e-mail a statement of interest, resume and list of three
references to:
Elaine O'Rourke
Division of Genetics, Department of Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital
20 Shattuck Street
Boston, MA 02115
eorourke at
Brigham and Women's Hospital is an equal opportunity/affirmative action