KDD-2001 Call for Participation
The Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 26-29, 2001, San Francisco, CA, USA
Register online at
KDD-2001, the premier annual data mining conference organized by the
scientists and practitioners who popularized data mining in the mid
1990's, is a must-attend conference, featuring state-of the art keynote
talks, free tutorials by experts from academia and industry, rigorously
selected technical and industrial papers, the KDD-Cup data mining
competition, and more.
With over 900 attendees from 34 countries, KDD-2000 held in Boston
last year was a great success, bringing together the top minds from
academia and the leading industrial practitioners to allow the two
groups to share insights and educate attendees who were newer to data
mining. Roughly 40% of attendees were from academia, 60% from
business. Highlights of the conference this year include:
* Keynote presentations by leaders in the field on collaboration,
knowledge discovery in biology, and more!
* Industrial track invited talks on mining e-commerce data,
recommendation systems, predictive modeling, and more
* Tutorials -- free with the registration! -- featuring e-business,
frequent-pattern mining, outlier analysis, value-based mining,
mobile data mining, and advances in decision trees
* KDD-Cup 2001: results from this year's genomics and drug design
* Workshops on visualization, multimedia, scientific data, weblog
analysis, bioinformatics, and temporal data
* Panels on sampling, data mining startup companies, and new research
* Exhibits from over 26 leading software & hardware vendors and
academic projects
* Technical paper presentations from 20 authors, plus 32 poster
presentations giving attendees a chance to talk directly with the
* Industry track papers presented by 12 teams from leading companies
such as Microsoft, IBM, Verizon, and others -- learn how the most
successful companies put data mining into practice!
See the conference schedule and full details at
http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/kdd2001 and register online by following the
links from the conference homepage. Register by July 27 to save over
$100, and be sure to book hotel rooms early for discounted rates!
With the first-rate program summarized above, there is something for
everyone at KDD-2001 and you won't want to miss this once-a-year
opportunity to meet and share knowledge with your data-mining
colleagues from around the world.
Haipeng Guo,
Computing and Information Sciences Department,
Kansas State University.