WTD:SCF viewer with rev/compl for linux

Forster, Robert ForsteR at prose.dpi.qld.gov.au
Tue Jan 23 22:24:23 EST 2001

Hello: I'm looking for a simple SCF viewer that will give me the reverse
complement of the original read. I have a large multiple alignment file in a
Linux program and I want to check the reads from the original data. Of
course some of the SCF sequence data are in the opposite orientation to the
final alignment. I would usually do this with sequencher (Mac) or Chromas
(win) but I need a linux program. Trev doesn't seem to do rev/comp. 

Anyone know of a program that would work?


Dr Bob Forster
Visiting Research Scientist
Queensland Beef Industry Institute
Animal Research Institute
Locked Mail Bag, No. 4
Moorooka, Qld. 4105,
Tel. +61 7 33629577
Fax. +61 7 33629429
email forster at prose.dpi.qld.gov.au

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