Center For AIDS Research
Molecular Biology Core Lab
UMass Medical Center
Worcester Massachusetts
Duties include day-to-day operation of the departmental DNA
sequencer (ABI 377XL), synthesis and purification of
oligonucleotides, overseeing the reagent program, and
assistance with various molecular biology procedures as needed.
Background required: BA or BS in science or math, at least 3 years
of lab experience, basic molecular biology skills, good attention
to detail, and a willingness to work/learn in a fast-paced flexible
environment which supports a diverse group of investigators.
Anyone interested ... please email their CV or resume
Ellie K.
Ellen.Kittler at umassmed.eduCFAR at
"Million to one chances come up nine times out of ten" T.P.
Ellen LW Kittler, PhD
UMass Center For AIDS Research
Suite 207B, 2 Biotech
373 Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone 508.856.6137
Fax 508.856.4588
Page 508.722.5011
Ellen.Kittler at